Whether you're a student, educator, or a lifelong learner, find valuable resources to deepen your understanding of conservation and the land ethic. Our extensive collection of materials is designed to enhance your knowledge of environmental stewardship and develop a land ethic.
Virtually explore the historic cabin where Aldo Leopold reflected on and wrote about his revolutionary conservation ideas.
This Emmy award-winning documentary is a must see for students everywhere. Stream it today!
Download this engaging discussion guide for the timeless classic, A Sand County Almanac!
Host a community reading of A Sand County Almanac during Leopold Week! Mini-grants available!
Introduce your community to Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac—for nature writing appreciation and inspiration to care for the natural world!
Apply for a mini-grant! Award includes books for participants, promotional materials, and program expense budget.
Hands-on Activities for Families and Educators Everywhere: Exploring Nature through Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac
Experiences outside—no matter where we live—are key to fostering a land ethic. These 20 activities were developed by professional educators and are based on beloved essays in Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac. With step-by-step instructions and worksheets, this downloadable eBook offers hours of fun and learning for students and families. Activities designed for age 12 or older.
An essay written by Aldo Leopold, reprinted from A Sand County Almanac and a helpful guide to use when reading "Thinking Like a Mountain".
An investigation of Leopold's essay "The Green Lagoons," analyzing the role of ecological grief in our connections to wild places, by 2023-24 Fellow Maia Buschman.
The discussion guide will help your group explore the wilderness concept through a personal lens, while also reflecting on Leopold's history and relevance today.
This companion guide to Virtues of a Land Ethic is structured to provoke deeper discussion of Leopold's ideas. Discover and discuss The Guiding Virtues of the Land Ethic with our discussion guide.
Among Aldo Leopold’s best-known ideas is the “land ethic,” which calls for an ethical, caring relationship between people and nature. This land ethic continues to inform our work, values, and goals at the Aldo Leopold Foundation today, just as it informs the work of countless individuals and organizations worldwide – a testament to the power of Leopold’s conservation philosophy.
First published by Oxford University Press in 1949, Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac has become a conservation classic, selling over 2 million copies worldwide and being translated into 15 languages. Leopold spent many years crafting these essays, which inspire readers to understand how the natural world works and to care for all wild things. Informed by his developing philosophies and his family’s effort to transform the landscape surrounding The Shack, the essays make an appeal for moral responsibility to the natural world.