As Marketing and Communications Manager for the Aldo Leopold Foundation, my role is to help the team create and wrangle words and graphics that best carry Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic to our friends and soon-to-be-friends across the contemporary landscape. You know the fruits of this team as the website, email newsletters, social media posts, display graphics, and a variety of printed materials that keep you informed on all relevant foundation and foundation-related matters. (And maybe a fishing report now and then when the bite is good.)
My background includes an undergraduate English degree from UW-Madison, and some decades of writing and designing from within the commercial fields of sustainable and organic agriculture, where I composed, laid out, posted, and distributed streams of like-minded content. In that role, I often looked to the writings of Aldo Leopold to inform my work, but mostly because it was an excuse to lose myself in his jaw-dropping language.
One of my favorite Leopold passages comes from the opening of his essay, Marshland Elegy. “A dawn wind stirs on the great marsh. With almost imperceptible slowness it rolls a bank of fog across the wide morass. Like the white ghost of a glacier the mists advance, riding over the phalanxes of tamarack, sliding across bog-meadows heavy with dew. A single silence hangs from horizon to horizon.”
It’s such a beautiful image of the ancient and the present meeting up and hovering just long enough to clarify things before the songs get going for the day. I look forward to working with the songs, and with you, for many days to come.
The Aldo Leopold Foundation was founded in 1982 with a mission to foster the Land Ethic® through the legacy of Aldo Leopold, awakening an ecological conscience in people throughout the world.
"Land Ethic®" is a registered service mark of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, to protect against egregious and/or profane use.