Backpack Explorer: Discovering Treesencourages junior naturalists to step outside and get curious about the trees they see, whether in their backyard, in their neighborhood, in a park, or on a trail. With this take-along activity book—the fifth in the best-selling Backpack Explorer series from the Editors of Storey Publishing—kids will stop, look, listen, and touch as they search for leaves, count tree rings, notice the sound of birds or wind in the branches, gather pinecones, and feel bark. Each page is packed with prompts and activities, including 12 interactive field guides for identifying common trees, simple craft projects such as Make a Tree Rubbing or Make a Nature Mask from colorful leaves, and simple discovery features with fun tree facts. Equipped with a real magnifying glass, stickers, and log for recording tree finds, this book is the perfect accompaniment for any nature adventure.
Now nature-curious kids can play and learn with the companion Backpack Explorer online game!
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The Aldo Leopold Foundation was founded in 1982 with a mission to foster the Land Ethic® through the legacy of Aldo Leopold, awakening an ecological conscience in people throughout the world.
"Land Ethic®" is a registered service mark of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, to protect against egregious and/or profane use.