Explore the Land Ethic and all its forms. Thank you to everyone who joined the "Natural, Wild, and Free" speaker series last March. Check back for announcements on upcoming Land Ethic Live! programming and Leopold Week 2025.
"Perhaps such a shift of values can be achieved by reappraising things unnatural, tame, and confined in terms of things natural, wild and free."
Aldo Leopold ended the foreword to A Sand County Almanac with this quote in March of 1948. His collection of essays reveals what "natural, wild, and free" meant to him back then. But what does it mean to us today?
Leopold Week 2024 was held March 1-8 and explored this question. Discover ways to connect more deeply with the land community through event replays.
Replays of each event are available below.
Meet the individuals who spoke at this year's Leopold Week celebration.