I grew up in Grayslake, Illinois, a Chicago suburb dotted with prairies and marshes, and have been shaped by a childhood spent wandering through swamps and harvesting wildflower seeds. Since moving to Wisconsin, I’ve fallen in love with its woods, lakes, and bogs. I recently graduated from St. Norbert College with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Studio Art. I use my scientific background and creative skills to connect people to the wider ecological community through artwork, including large-scale paintings and prints. I spent a summer as a Drawing Water artist at UW-Madison’s Trout Lake Station in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin. When not on a lake working with a botanist, or setting up my easel to paint a landscape scene plein air, I was connecting with my natural community by hiking, swimming, and sketching. I’m excited to keep learning about the natural world and to share it with others through my artwork.
The Aldo Leopold Foundation was founded in 1982 with a mission to foster the Land Ethic® through the legacy of Aldo Leopold, awakening an ecological conscience in people throughout the world.
"Land Ethic®" is a registered service mark of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, to protect against egregious and/or profane use.