Ron Kuehn received his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Wisconsin, and after 48 years, is retired from the Madison office of DeWitt Law Firm. In addition to his business law practice, Ron was a state and federal lobbyist for over 45 years at DeWitt, where he represented individual corporations and industry associations before regulatory agencies, state legislatures (Wisconsin & Illinois) and the U.S Congress including decades-long representation of much of Wisconsin production agriculture. Over more than four decades, he made a mark on countless state and federal environmental and conservation laws and regulations.
Ron’s prior board experience includes Co-Chairman of the WI DNR Groundwater Advisory Committee; Co-Executive Director of the WI Biotechnology & Medical Device Association; Member of the Board of the University of Wisconsin National W Club; City of Monona Alderman; Monona Area School District Board.
He has engaged in decades-long entrepreneurial activities both as founder and CEO. Past: A Washington DC-based money order company; A Madison-based residential real estate development company. Current: Two Madison-based medical equipment leasing companies.
Ron’s current focus is on his eighteen-year-old co-partnership and board member in Vilas Cranberries, LLC, a 900-acre Wisconsin cranberry farm. During spring and summer, he is daily engaged in habitat development and re-introduction of native pollinators to supplement the highly-at-risk leased honeybee community currently relied upon for crop pollination.
The Aldo Leopold Foundation was founded in 1982 with a mission to foster the Land Ethic® through the legacy of Aldo Leopold, awakening an ecological conscience in people throughout the world.
"Land Ethic®" is a registered service mark of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, to protect against egregious and/or profane use.